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China Marketing
In 2022, WeChat has over 1.2 billion monthly active users. It is the most popular mobile social media platform in China.
There are 20 million active WeChat Official Accounts.
45 billion messages are sent daily by WeChat users.
Source: WeChat Annual Report, 2022
90% of Chinese professionals prefer WeChat for workplace communications.
Source: South China Morning Post, 2022

WeChat officially added Youzan Mini Program(有贊小程序) into WeChat Advertiser(微信廣告主)!

According to WeChat , the docking of Youzan Mini Program(有贊小程序)and WeChat has been completed, and the advertising products in WeChat Advertiser(微信廣告主) have been launched.

It means that brands can use Youzan(有贊)to create E-shop(網店), Ticket Selling System(票務系統), Food Delivering System(外賣系統), Mini Programs(微信小程序) and many others.

Then on WeChat Advertiser(微信廣告主) back end, brands can authorize these programs and even can promote them by placing like WeChat Official Account Ads(微信公眾號廣告),Moments Ads(朋友圈廣告廣告)or WeChat Pay Ads(微信支付廣告)to redirect to programs. It will be much more convenient and cost-effective for brands who want to do WeChat E-commerce and Advertisement.
Besides,brands which use Youzan(有贊)in the WeChat Advertiser(微信廣告主)can view multi-dimensional performance data like each ad’s views, clicks, and purchase conversion rate in real time, which ensure that brands can monitor the effects.
According to the data released by WeChat team in 2019, Mini Program continued to grow steadily in the past year, user habits were further strengthened, and the user community was more extensive. Compared with the same period of last year, the number of Mini Programs used in the week increased by 70%, the per user using rate increased by 156%.
Besides,in May 2019, every WeChat user can receive 3 Moment Ads(朋友圈廣告) every day. It is foreseeable that in the future WeChat Circle(朋友圈) will show more E-commerce Mini Program Ads.
Although programs like Youzan(有贊) can make things easier, brands still need to know how to make proper use of it to do WeChat and China Marketing.

Contact us, a one-stop China Marketing Agency for more insightful and professional suggestions!

Source: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/sWBI-hZGvB7NGKX2robBSg

Highlight – Wechat Account Registration



▪ WeChat Account Registration
▪ WeChat Account Management
▪ WeChat Marketing
▪ WeChat Advertisement
▪ WeChat Pay
▪ WeChat E-commerce
▪ WeChat Mini-program
▪ References

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